Q1. It says that women should not have a gap between their feet. But this causes loss of balance. What are we supposed to do? (I have been told that a little gap may be kept).
A1. There is nothing wrong with keeping a little gap
Q2. Whats tasmiya? (Women’s prayer, point 8, pg7)
A2. Tasmiya is another name for bismillah
Q3. Is it sinful to talk/do worldly things whilst the azaan is being narrated?
A3. It definitely is makruh to talk during azan. There is a difference of opinion concerning if it is wajib or not to listen and respond to the azan. It is mandub to stop doing all actions during azan time. This is obviously when stopping these actions does not inconvenient others or brings you some kind of loss.
Q4. Sometimes in eid prayer, there are two jamats, is this not makruh?
A4. It is not makruh to have more than one eid jamat. It is makruh only for normal salat in the mosque where the jamat has already taken place. This is the hanafi position.
Q5. Is it a bid’ah to kiss the quran after you’ve finished reciting it? Is it a bid’ah to kiss the prayer mat after completion of the prayer?
A5. These actions are not endorsed by the quran and sunna therefore if they are done out of love, they should not be done with the intention of a valid ibaada. Making them into an ibada will relegate them to the position of a bid’ah. Allah knows best
Q6. When you are unsure of whether you have made a mistake or not, should you do sajada sahw?
A6. If this happens very rarely then you should start the prayer again, if this happens frequently then you should do sajda sahw
Q7. You said about eating whilst in the state of hunger before salat, but what if you haven’t got much time left for salat?
A7. Its not haram to pray in the state of hunger. What I mean by hunger is that your body starts shaking due to intense hunger. In any case if the time is short then you can pray before eating.
Q8. If you are on a long train journey and time for prayer is running out but space is very limited – how do you pray?
A8. You can pray in your seat, it is better to be facing the ka’ba when you start the prayer.
Q9. What is the difference between nafal and halki nafal?
A9. Halki nafal (salat khafifa) are a set of nafals which carry additional merit and are normally shorter than other nafals.
Q10. If weetr is your last prayer then why pray halky nafal?
A10. You should make witr the last prayer, however praying the short nafals carry extra merits therefore they should also be prayed.
Q11. How much time should you leave between tahajjud prayer and your fajar prayer?
A11. One sixth of the night. If you were to make the night into six parts from isha till fajar. The first half will be for sleeping, the next third for tahajjud and the remaining sixth will be for going back to sleep before waking up for fajar.
Q12. Salatul witr. Point 5 Musthab to send salutation on the Prophet (saw), how do you send salutation on the prophet (saw) or is it included in the dua?
A12. After the dua of qunut salutation should normally be said like what we read after the tashhud in the last sitting of any prayer.
Q13. Can women do ikamah?
A13. Only amongst women, however it is better not to.
Q14. Is it qada to read isha salah after midnite? Is it makruh tanzihi or makruh tahrimi?
A14. It does not become qada after midnight. You can pray isha anytime before fajar however it is mustahab to pray it before one third of the night ends, after that it is makruh tanzihi.
Q15. Does the dua need to be in Arabic? Will it affect the response?
A15. In the prayer itself such as in ruku or sujud, it has to be in Arabic or the prayer will break. As far as outside of prayer is concerned then it can be said in any language, it will not affect the response for the response depends on your sincerity and not language and rhetoric.
Q16. If verbal intention is said before namaz but the wrong thing is said e.g. instead of isha you say maghrib, but go to takbir then realise the mistake, should you break the salat and start again or continue?
A16. You should not break the prayer as the verbal intention is not fard or wajib, as long as you know in your heart what you are praying its ok.
Q17. If the azan for asr has been called in a mosque, can you pray dhur in the mosque afterwards (due to difference of times between hanafi and shafir etc?
A17. Yes you can.
Q18. For sajda tilaawat is there a time limit for reciting the ayah to making the sajdah?
A18. If the sajda ayat has been prayed in the prayer it has to be immediately done however outside of prayer there is not time limit.
Q19. Sometimes in prayer, my sleeves move up and some of my wrist is exposed. What should I do in this situation? (note: this is a female case)
A19. You should take it down immediately; your prayer will be ok.
Q20. Is it sinful to pray namaz in the opposite direction?
A20. If it is done purposely, then yes it is sinful and you will need to do qada of your prayer, if it is done by mistake then inshallah there will be no reproach.
Q21. On a journey, are we allowed to read namaz sitting down?
A21. If you are not able to stand up for example in a train then you may do so sitting down
Q22. ‘Prevention before cure’ When someone ignorant sees us doing ‘eye thing’ they will think that it is part of ibaada so shouldn’t we be avoiding it even if your intention is pure?
A22. Very good point, yes it should be avoided in public as not to confuse the people, a better way of doing it is to educate people, however that will take a long time. Thank you for the valuable suggestion.
Note: all questions relating to female congregation prayer has not been answered as we will deal with them in depth in the next fiqh session.
And Allah knows best.
Reviewed by respected mufti Abdul Muhit saheb (Newcastle)
I would like to comment on a mas'alah i came accross before. it is regarding a question you answered. the question was
Q5. Is it a bid’ah to kiss the quran after you’ve finished reciting it? Is it a bid’ah to kiss the prayer mat after completion of the prayer?
A5. These actions are not endorsed by the quran and sunna therefore if they are done out of love, they should not be done with the intention of a valid ibaada. Making them into an ibada will relegate them to the position of a bid’ah. Allah knows best.
Allamah ibn Abideen Shami narrates a hadith of Sayyiduna Uthman radiyallahu anh that he would kiss the Quraan and place it on his chest after recitation and kiss it again (as far as i can remember about the last part), therefore it cannot be regarded something not endorsed by the religion, and i think if someone does so with the intention of love for the book of Allah, he/she will gain reward. insha Allah. please correct me if i am wrong, Allah will reward you
Jazakallah Mufti Saheb for your valuable contribution
May Allah reward you
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